Tuesday, April 27, 2010
City of Illinois
Destruction fell upon a city, I saw and herd a name and it was Illinois, seemed as though an earthquake or a bombing had destroyed the city. I remember the city being torn apart like a war zone.
Well I found it funny that Illinois is not a city, but Chicago is in Illinois and if anything bad happened there many people could lose there lives since it is a big city. Other then that, I really don’t have any kind of interpretation for this dream. This was my first dream with a name in it though.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Jesus is Knocking
I was following someone and they went into a room and shut the door on me. The door had no knob from the outside. I think that from the outside there was a lock on the door, but I could be mistaken since this part of the dream was hazy.
Possibly the door could represent the door to a person’s heart. Since there is no knob on the outside Jesus will knock and only the person from the inside can open it. If there was a lock on the outside of the door, then that would most likely represent that once the door is locked it is to late to open it and accept Jesus into ones heart. Maybe the Lord is trying to tell us that there is not much time left. I leave that up to you I am but a messenger with a message.
Update May 23 2010
I was lead to Revelation 3:20 and then I remembered this dream.
Revelation 3:20
Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010
April 6, 2010
There was a huge tsunami that was coming in and was going to cause a huge flood. The funny thing was that we all knew that it was coming. Somehow there was a warning way before it struck. (I found it very strange that there was an advanced warning for a tsunami of this size. I believe the tsunami had to be hundreds of feet tall.) I don’t know exactly what caused the tsunami, but possibly could have been from a meteor, this part of the dream was hazy. All my family had gathered together at my parents place and we were all embracing each other. I remember hugging my uncle while he was balling his eyes out. I began crying as well while we were hugging. I have never in my life seen this man cry the way he was crying. After this, right before the wave came; I fell prostrate and prayed constantly with tears and wailing asking God for mercy and to rapture us away from the tsunami.
This next part was kind of hazy so I could be wrong. I seemed to jump in my dream timeline to when the wave had struck and everything was flooded. I remember that huge aquariums were breaking and sea creatures such as whales were being let back into the ocean. I don’t remember who all was there though.
I believe this dream could be taken literal, symbolic, or both. In a literal sense a giant wave and a massive flood could be one of the ways God will use his wrath upon the world.
Jeremiah 51:42
The sea will rise over
Also maybe God was trying to tell me that He will keep those He chooses to stay alive through the massive wave.
If the dream is taken symbolically, then the wave would defian
tly mean that God’s judgment is coming and that there is a warning of it coming way before it comes to warn people who will listen. If in my dream, I was one of those who made it through the wave, then God is trying to tell us that those who repent and turn to God before the wave hits, He will save and protect them through His wrath. At the time this dream was given to me I was in the process of studying about the rapture. I feel that I was still around to see the destruction after the wave but kept out of harms way. This shows that we will be here during the tribulation but protected just like Shadrach, Meshach, an
d Abednego in the fire (Daniel 2). I feel strongly against the rapture in the Spirit. Either way we should be ready no matter what. I rather be ready for no rapture and be taken away then to be looking for the rapture and not have enough oil in my lamp to come out of it.
Matthew 25:3-4
The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them. The wise, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps.