Welcome to Kalamazoo Watchman

Please read The Message to understand the purpose of this blog page. I will try to keep up to date on the dreams and visions the Lord is giving me and place them here on this blog. Also you can go to my face book page which is located under Kalamazoo Watchman and if you would like to, contact me at kalamazoowatchman@gmail.com

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Woe to Chicago

I was at a certain Church during the hour of service standing off in the back somewhere by the sanctuary. The building seemed different then the way it is in real life. I remember being upset listening to the preacher because he was not telling the whole gospel. The senior pastor was sitting off to the side of the stage listening while a different pastor preached. I was waiting for the sermon to be over so I could talk with the senior pastor about two of the members.

After the sermon I went outside and the scenery changed in the dream the Lord had given me. Now I was outside under tents where tables and chairs were set up for what seemed to be a cook out or something. Somehow I ended up seating next to the senior pastor and started to tell him how the two members were not born again and that he better start preaching the truth because God Almighty is going to hold him accountable. Before I could tell him to preach the truth an old women interrupted me and started talking with me. I felt a love for this woman so I turned to listen to her story. She told me how she thought she was going to heaven and that she was saved, but then someday she truly gave her life over to Christ and realized that she was going to hell but not now since she is born again. I remember the look on her face, oh how she loves the Lord. Then I went to go on to talk with the senior pastor, but I saw that the two members were coming toward us so I must have stopped.

Then the scene changed once again. I was in a large field with thousands of vehicles parked and traffic moving through the parked cars. People were coming and going. It seemed to be some kind of festival or some sort where people were parking out in a huge grass field. In this parking lot something came over me and I began running and yelling to everyone, “Woe to Babylon, Woe to Babylon.” I was frantic desperately trying to tell people to turn to Jesus. Of course everyone thought I was crazy. There was this one guy on a moped that I asked him if he knew Jesus. The man nonchalantly said that he did and drove off without a care in the world. I kept yelling out to everyone until I lost my voice. Eventually I talked with my dad while he was getting in a truck. I asked him if he had seen the movie 2012 ever. Then I told him that movie is nothing compared to what is coming on this world. He told me he knew and gave me a hug of compassion and then left.

Then the scene changed again. During this next part of the dream there was background music. I know it sounds weird. It was like I was in a movie, but this music was so intense and dramatized it fit the situation better then any other music I have ever felt in a movie. Some how I was in a big city with my family, but I got disconnected with them. While in the city the earth began to shake and the ground began to move underneath. The whole city was tilting back and forth. It seemed as though the whole land mass was moving. I felt like at any moment the world was going to turn upside down and we were going to fall into the sky. People were running everywhere for their lives. There was screaming and chaos everywhere. I saw giant water spouts coming out of buildings and the ground spewing forth. The water spouts were blasting people hundreds of feet in the air. People were dying all over the place. The water spouts that were shooting out were happing in a domino effect. They would start in one spot and would travel along. While I was running the spouts began to catch up to me. There was no way I was going to be able to out run them. I began to pray to the Lord while I was running. Then I felt as though my running was being led by the Holy Spirit. It was weird though I thought God would literally talk with me and tell me where to go. I asked the Lord to talk to me while I was running. Finally when the whole city began to rock back and forth more intensely and when the spouts were about to catch up to me I fell down. The place I came to where I fell down looked like some kind of park area in the middle of a city. There was some kind of water fount with a large pool of water raised way off the ground. I remember that when the ground was tilting this huge pool of water came splashing down onto the ground. While I was on the ground and praying I looked up. I saw a man standing on the concrete wall that was higher then me. He was probably about 75 feet away. The crazy thing was that he was standing still and not wobbling back and forth like everyone else. The whole city was on a tilt and He was standing there as though he was magnet. This man was wearing a large white robe like gown. I remember that he seemed to be moving his hands like he was conducting what was happening. His movements where odd though. His hands and arms moved very choppy, almost mechanical in nature. After I saw him I looked back down to get my footing. After I got my footing I looked back to where he was and he was still there, but after I looked down a third time just for a split second he had totally disappeared.

After I got up and started running again everything came to a stop and became calm. The music stopped too. I walked over to where the man had been standing and went up some steps. I don’t really remember what happened after that, but I remember hearing either whales or dolphins making noise.

During this night I did have another part of a dream in which I saw the whole world and destruction coming upon it. I can t really picture it though so there is no more to tell about it.


This dream scared me and put a new sense of fear of God in me. I keep getting people telling me that I shouldn’t be scared because God will take care of us. Well I tell you there is nobody that wouldn’t be scared after what I saw and had to go through in the dream. I felt a sense that there was no way to escape. My sense of security was completely gone and God Almighty was in total control. All day Sunday (the next day) I felt I was still in the dream. I am still shaken four days after it and can’t get it out of my mind. Since this dream was given to me I have felt something different in the Spirit. I feel a new sense of urgency. I truly believe there is something different going on in the spiritual now.

The water spouts in the dream must have been water mains from the pressure coming out of them. They were breaking due to the earthquake, or maybe I should call it a continental plate tilt. I seriously felt like a ball on one of those wooden labyrinth games except it felt like at any moment the game could have been tipped upside down and we could fall into the sky forever. The city must have been Chicago once again from the sounds of the whales and dolphins.

The next day I asked the Lord who the man was standing there directing the havoc and the Holy Spirit told me it was Jesus Christ. Now I don’t know what Jesus looks like exactly but whom else could it be? God is in control of everything and this man was controlling the whole thing.

Isaiah 24:18-20

18 Whoever flees at the sound of terror
will fall into a pit;

whoever climbs out of the pit
will be caught in a snare.
The floodgates of the heavens are opened,
the foundations of the earth shake.

19 The earth is broken up,
the earth is split asunder,
the earth is thoroughly shaken.

20 The earth reels like a drunkard,
it sways like a hut in the wind;
so heavy upon it is the guilt of its rebellion
that it falls—never to rise again.

Amos 3:6

When a trumpet sounds in a city,
do not the people tremble?
When disaster comes to a city,
has not the LORD caused it?

Deuteronomy 32:39-42

39 "See now that I myself am He!
There is no god besides me.
I put to death and I bring to life,
I have wounded and I will heal,
and no one can deliver out of my hand.

40 I lift my hand to heaven and declare:
As surely as I live forever,

41 when I sharpen my flashing sword
and my hand grasps it in judgment,
I will take vengeance on my adversaries
and repay those who hate me.

42 I will make my arrows drunk with blood,
while my sword devours flesh:
the blood of the slain and the captives,
the heads of the enemy leaders."